1-1 NES Health Detective Voice Scan + Test Report – Get to the source of your symptoms (ONLINE)


Unlock your natural energy and address the root of your symptoms with NES Health Energy Scan.

Harnessing revolutionary bioenergetics technology, this non-invasive scan offers profound insights into your physical, mental, and emotional health. Suitable for both adults and children, it simply records your voice for 10 seconds, providing comprehensive analysis including:

  • Nutritional imbalances, including absorption and food sensitivities
  • Hormonal health evaluation
  • Vitality assessment of organs
  • Identification of environmental sensitivities, such as toxic metals, chemicals, and EMFs, and your body’s ability to control them
  • Measurement of toxin levels
  • Detection of toxicity, parasites, fungus, chemicals, viruses, and heavy metals
  • Mental and emotional analysis, revealing unbalanced core emotions, beliefs, past shocks, and traumas that may still be impacting your health

When our energy field is underpowered or distorted, it’s unable to run the body optimally, leading to a range of health issues. By improving the function of the body-field and combining it with good nutrition and lifestyle choices, the body’s incredible healing system can take over and begin restoring health.

This revolutionary technology allows us to delve deep into the root causes of health issues, examining not only manifesting symptoms but also the history of illness. By addressing psychological, emotional, and underlying conflicts, we provide holistic support to the mind, body, and soul.

Uncover the path to your best health today with NES Health Energy Scan.

*Suitable for both adults and children.

What’s Included:

Run your scan when convenient to you and within 72 hours, you will receive a detailed personalised report from us, direct to your inbox, highlighting the blocks and distortions underlying your symptoms and discomfort. Your body’s messages will be decoded, revealing the areas that need attention and care.

You will gain access to a personalised portal offering comprehensive support for your nutritional, emotional, and physical well-being. This includes frequency music and even a free online ChoicePoint course that helps you move towards your goals. In this portal you can view your scan results and download a personalised meditation based on your scan findings.

With this invaluable information in hand, you will have the opportunity to choose how to proceed for further support. Your body is speaking to you, and we are here to help you listen and thrive.


  • Include a zoom call to access and understand your scan better and receive a personalised in-depth plan of recommendations and suggestions + £50.00
  • Purchase a set of 6 recommended infoceuticals based on your scan results to start delivering the information your body needs + £131.95.
  • Work with me to create a personal prescriptive programme £tailored.

Find out more:

What happens when you run a voice scan? 

What is bioenergetics? 

Sample of your personalised meditation download 

Running a voice scan instructions 

What is the miHealth treatment?

What are infoceuticals? 

Infoceuticals extended version 

Instructor / Therapist Bio

Discovering True Wellness: Getting Beneath the Symptoms

In 1999, my life here was forever changed by a serious car accident that left me with a partially crushed spine. Thanks to an incredible spinal surgeon, I was able to walk home just five days later – a testament to the resilience of a young, 19-year-old body, accompanied by a bagful of medication. However, the journey that followed was far from easy.

My Personal Journey to Healing

For years, I grappled with debilitating pain, physical limitations, emotional turmoil, and symptoms of chronic fatigue. Initially, my focus was solely on managing these symptoms, and without medication I couldn’t even move.

In 2004, I requested removal of the metal work, it was causing additional nerve pain. From this point, I stopped all medication, and started to research, ask questions, and challenge some conventional beliefs.

I started to receive body therapy every week, and I also started to study.

Everything shifted during a mitochondrial therapy session, where I saw my cells on a screen. It was a lightbulb moment. I realised I needed to stop merely treating the symptoms and start understanding what my body was trying to tell me. This revelation led me to embrace the concept that “the body keeps the score.”

Embracing a Holistic Approach

This insight sparked my passion on a deeper level, for holistic health. I began exploring various modalities, including bioenergetics, cell regeneration, functional medicine, and somatic experiencing. I delved into the interconnectedness of mind, body, emotion, and energy, understanding that true transformation lies in addressing all four levels.

I stopped using chemically laden products on my body, clothes and around the house, cleaned up my house and started to support my body and mind in new ways.

The Birth of Heal Oxford Wellbeing

Driven by my personal experiences and the wisdom I gained, I founded Heal Oxford Wellbeing. This sanctuary embodies my journey and dedication to helping others achieve holistic health. At Heal, we support individuals from all walks of life, physically, mentally, emotionally, and energetically, and guide towards profound transformation.

Sharing the Wisdom

Through my studies, experience and expertise, I aim to help others navigate their own healing journeys. By addressing the root causes rather than just the symptoms, we empower people to listen to their bodies and embrace their innate healing potential. My story is a testament to the power of holistic healing and the incredible resilience of the human spirit.

Heal Loves You

How We Heal

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