60 Minute Fascia Release and Pain Therapy Treatment


Unlock Relief and Relaxation with Deep Tissue and Fascia Release

Our bodies can store emotions and tension in our muscles and fascia, leading to discomfort and stress. Deep tissue and fascia release massage therapy can be a highly effective way to address these issues and promote overall well-being.

Deep Tissue Massage: This therapy focuses on realigning deeper layers of muscles and connective tissue. It is particularly beneficial for chronic tension and contracted areas like stiff necks, tight lower backs, and sore shoulders.

Fascia Release: This technique targets adhesions in the fascia, aiming to alleviate pain, restore mobility, and enhance overall health. It is often used to address chronic pain, poor posture, and injuries resulting from repetitive motion or posture issues.

What Does the Treatment Include?

Our tailored deep tissue and fascia release treatment combine various techniques to enhance your well-being:

  1. Compression Massage: Applies pressure to tissues to promote relaxation and break up adhesions.
  2. Trigger Point Therapy: Targets and releases specific points of tension in deeper muscle layers through direct pressure.
  3. Myofascial Release: Gently stretches and compresses fascia to restore balance and flexibility.
  4. Neuromuscular Therapy: Combines stretching and massage to release muscle tension and enhance circulation.
  5. Massage: Utilizes long, soothing strokes to induce relaxation and reduce muscle tension.
  6. Muscle Energy Technique (MET): Involves gentle muscle contractions against resistance to relax and lengthen muscles, enhancing joint motion and range of motion.


Deep tissue and fascia release offer a multitude of benefits:

  • Pain Reduction: Relieves pain, enhances mobility, and improves flexibility.
  • Inflammation Reduction: Aids in reducing inflammation and boosting circulation.
  • Stress Relief: Promotes relaxation, reducing stress and anxiety.
  • Injury Prevention: Regular sessions can help prevent injuries by maintaining muscle and fascia health.

Discover the relief and relaxation that deep tissue and fascia release therapy can provide. Invest in your well-being today.

Instructor / Therapist Bio

My name is Tamara Selaman, the heart behind Heal Oxford Wellbeing, bringing over two decades of knowledge and experience. I am a Natural Health Detective, uncovering the root causes of imbalance in the mind-body matrix system and employing bio-hacking techniques for self-optimisation. I specialise in restoring body balance and fostering emotional liberation.”

My qualifications include:

Anatomy & Physiology + ITEC Massage at McTimoney Chiropractic College
Advanced Bio-structural Correction with ABC Europe (Level 1)
Somatic Experiencing RRD with TREUK
Conscious Connected Breathwork with BreathMasters
Bioenergetic Practitioner Level with NES Health
Functional Health Nutritionist
MBIR Mindset Inner Repatterning Practitioner
Diploma in Counselling & Life Coaching
Plus Indian Head Massage, Baby Massage, Fascia Release, Shamanic Trainings, Zumba Fitness Instruction & Nails.

** Informed experience in Radical Honesty & NVC.

My journey, marked by overcoming a debilitating spinal injury and multiple surgeries, has fuelled my dedication to holistic healing. I practice conscious living, clean eating, and am a devoted mum to my son Charlie. I embrace the connection between head-heart-gut and prioritise compassionate truth-telling, emotional freedom, and non-violent communication.

I am committed to self-mastery and helping others achieve lasting transformation through unlocking unprocessed emotions and reprogramming the mind-body connection.

“I am ready to help you remember just how truly amazing you are”.

How We Heal

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